Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, Same Ol' Resolutions

Yesterday, I decided to torture myself and go through my Friends List on Facebook. My original intent had been to just "check in" with old friends, to see what they were up to, see where they were living. That sort of thing.

What ended up happening was far different. I inhaled a bag of M&Ms as I realized that my "friends'" lives were far more exciting than mine. Most are either married, engaged, or in a relationship. Some have kids. Some have big, fancy jobs in big, fancy cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago. Some have finally outgrown their awkwardness and achieved some level of attractiveness.

I, on the other hand, am an underpaid librarian in a far-from-glamorous town with no significant other whatsoever (unless you count my two cats). Oh yeah, and a 50 lb. weight gain within the past three years. Yay me.

So, I had one of those mini What-Am-I-Doing-With-My-Life Moments. Which always leads to plans to make changes. And it just so happens that these changes come right at the time that everyone is making their New Year's Resolutions.

To start, I'm going to get my act together when it comes to my health. My family's medical history includes everything from different cancers, to heart disease and diabetes, to various forms and degrees of mental illness. Needless to say, I don't want any part of it. So, I'm going green--knocking out most meat, processed foods, and other generally unhealthy things. I'm also going to attempt to get off the comfy couch and move my badonka-donk.

Second, I'm want to start getting serious about my writing and other creative endeavors... Which is the reason for starting this blog.

In the past, I've found that writing about my creative experiences helps jumpstart the muse. It lets the anxiety out. Lets you pull back for a moment and see new angles. It helps me write more. So, this blog will be just that--ramblings and musings about my creative projects, as well as bits of info collected from my readings and research.

And maybe--just maybe--this is the year I'll get serious. Wish me luck.