Monday, January 11, 2010

Brag On, Brag On

I'm a member of SheWrites, which, as I've mentioned before, is a great online community for female writers (and the occasional male writer that doesn't like being left out of things...but don't get me started on that). Anyway, let me start off by saying that SheWrites is awesome--it's exactly the type of online writer community that I've been looking for.

However, now that I'm a part of a writer community, I've noticed something: Writers like to brag. A lot.

It only took a couple of visits to blogs, group discussion boards, and individual member pages to realize that the some writers like to brag about their accomplishments at every given opportunity. And if they're not bragging, there's a distinct tone of superiority in their words.

Now, don't get me wrong. Writers who have actually written a novel and gotten it published deserve bragging rights. It's a major accomplishment! I know I'll want the world to know about my book if it ever gets published. I'll certainly be advertising it on certain media outlets. But shamelessly self-promoting to other writers seems pointless to me. It just seems to create a community of competition--which can sometimes be discouraging to those who are just starting out.

Perhaps I'm just the type that likes to see the glass half-empty. Other people's good news can sometimes discourage me, make me doubt myself. So, instead, I like to hear about a writer's process, about the story behind their story, about the daily life of the writer, about how they got to where they're at. I don't want to be constantly reading advertisements for all their books or constantly hearing about all their writerly accomplishments. I want to hear about them--their lives, their craft, their experiences, etc.

Has anyone else noticed this? Anyone have any theories as to why? Or am I just the beginner that can't relate to the thrill of publication and thus doesn't understand?

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